Thursday, September 20, 2007

The B.H.S.F

welcome to my blog

An ever-strained Hawk-eye ( stained red and loose skinned from all-nighters) on notable Folk of Folley , I endevour to whisper and hiss vague rumours, innuendo and bitch-faced secrets at burnt-rubber pace, Passing the Parcel from the glossy mouthed Pampered and Dissatisfied through the Faggy Filter of my own vernacular and churned onto the page in front of you.

I hope you like it.

But don't expect much.

I'm Just here for a Middle Class Bohemian whine, air kisses, a cuddle,a roll your own cig, a straw for your piccolo and to lend twenty bucks to put in the Pokies, my lay-by at Jaime or just make it a hundred and i wont molest your brother, But no promises K?


Simon Hoffmann said...

your my hero...

Unknown said...

and mine
i love this blog

i will buy you many many pies